The Royal Printings CANCELLED and Mis-Perforated.

After the 1952 revolution and the expulsion of Farouk his collections were sold off by the new republic.
H. R. Harmers handled the sale in the 1954 Koubbeh palace sale of the royal philatelic collection. What came to light were printings of stamps on thin card with CANCELLED on the back.

Later Jacques Kassab, one of the leading Egyptian philatelists, offered to buy all the philatelic items remaining. Among these he found two suitcases containing mis-perf stamps. He was told by the official in charge, that they were not part of his deal, as H. R. Harmers Ltd. had declined to include them in the auction, considering them to be labels of little philatelic merit, made to order for the kings of Egypt. Considering them of as labels of little value Kassab was allowed to keep them.

It has been considered that the CANCELLED on back, which Harmers had included in the sale, were also produced to order for the King and often referred to as the Royal Printings. Both now have catalogue status and considered by many to be highly collectable.

LOP 133 December 2002

John Clarke