The Travelling Post Offices
May 28, 2011.
Latest Update March 2018
Eleven of the 14 members at the meeting on January 8, 2011 showed TPO material. The January meeting was fascinating not only by the range of material but by the interest it aroused, some members encouraged to look at the markings for the first time. Enthusiasm for a study meeting was infectious. Agreement to defer the post-Monarchy meeting to next year and replace it with a TPO meeting in September was unanimous. This is a fascinating area where material is not difficult to find; very many covers travelled by train, a large percentage received TPO markings.

But those unable to attend on September 17 should not feel left out. Peter Smith's book The Travelling Post Offices of Egypt, now 28 years old, has been placed here on the website in time for all interested members to report their finds before the September meeting.

December 2015 the ensuing extended listings is now on the Circle website, where they will join the pages of the original book to act as a permanent and regularly updated record of an area that deserves more interest than has recently been shown.

The Travelling Post Offices of Egypt

QC 137/138 June 1986
QC 160 October 1992
QC 227 December 2008
QC 236 March 2011

Seymour Blomfield Sheets:
TPO Sh.1 TPO Sh.2 TPO Sh.3

Update February 2018:

Public sector: