Military Postal History


The Napoleonic Post
British Occupation 1882-1898 and Sudan
British Occupation 1898-1956:
excluding WWI, Seals and WWII

British Forces Overview
British Forces 1998 to 1914
British Forces 1919 to 1939
British Forces 1945 to 1956

Australian Forces
British Forces
Canadian Forces
French Forces
Indian Forces
Italian Forces
Japanese Navy
New Zealand Forces
South African Forces
British Concession:

Letter Seals and Stamps
Crown and Postmark cancels

Over view
Australian Forces
Belgian Forces
British Forces
     E600 series
     Egypt Postage Prepaid (EPP)
     Air Mail Letter Card
Canadian Forces
Czechoslovakian Forces
French, Interned Navy
Free French Forces
German Forces
Greek Forces
Indian Forces
Italian Forces
Norwegian Forces
New Zealand Forces
Polish Forces
South African Forces
United States Forces
Yugoslavian Forces

EGYPT Stamps and Postal History:
Chapter XXXI
Post WWII:

Arab Israeli War 1948
Arab Israeli War and Suez 1956
Arab Israeli War 1973
United Nations Emergency Force I and II