Books, Magazines etc. on Egyptian Philately
The LOP was produced in Egypt from July 1929. The early copies were mainly in French, with English gradually taking over.
A few articles are in Arabic.
Published by the Philatelic Society of Egypt to a very high standard, the magazine faded away along with the PSE in the late 1970s.
Serious Egyptian collectors of Egypt have been much more in evidence the last 10 years, however (see below), and No 132 was published to resurrect the LOP in
January 2002.
Active members of the Cairo society have since produced more issues and are hoping to continue publication. Copies of earlier issues are well
sought-after and runs receive high bids in auction; single copies may be found fairly easily at a few dollars each. Smith probably now covers all the main parts.
Produced in America by Gordon Garrett from November 1968 until 1976.
Intended to be a newsletter for American collectors, it was published bimonthly.
Contains some interesting and useful "lighter" articles, with some information not found in Smith.