Q23 July 30, 2006   member 230

AHRAM postmark

Smith's book says that for a short period the Pyramids post office nearby used this postmark. I have one dated 24 XII 09. Does anyone have earlier or later dates?

R1 August 8, 2006   member 384

My dates for Ahram are ..XII 09 and ..XII 10. No other cancellations are known to me like cash, parcel or registration.

R2 August 14, 2006   member 541

I believe your 24 XII 09 AHRAM postmark is the earlist recorded usage. As to the latest date, I have a 16 XI 10 and member 383 Hotel Revisted article lists 23 XI 10 used as a backstamp, see QC 213

R3 September 25, 2006   member 239

I found this cover tucked away in a dealers box at the recent stampex. It is dated 2 IV 09 making it the earlist date. It is backstamped Cairo R 2 IV 09 and REGISTERED LONDON E.C. 8. 4. 09

It has a registration box for the PYRAMIDS so poses the question is this the same registration box used with the PYRAMIDS postmark?
R4 September 26, 2006   member 213

I have:

l. A postcard with manuscript "Mena House Hotel, Pyramids, Cairo" franked 4 milliemes DLR to Cornwall cancelled 14.IV 09 at 6.35 PM.

2. A postcard with manuscript "Mena House, Pyramids, Egypt" to Cardiff franked two 2 milliemes DLR cancelled 13.Xll.10 at 6.30 AM with Cairo B transit same date but at 8. AM. This is the latest date so far.

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