Q30 Febuary 26, 2007   member 611


Does anyone have any information on a cancellation I have on a pair of 10m Second Fuad which appears to read “GOUVEMENT ETRANGER – CAIRE”? I am aware that this translates to “Foreign Government” (although then I think it should correctly be “GOUVERNEMENT”). The example could be 1924 or 1934. By whom or where would this handstamp have been used? On re-examining my Fuad cancellations I found another pair, of the 5m value, and it becomes clear that the cancellation I thought read “GOUVEMENT ETRANGER” should actually be “MOUVEMENT ETRANGER” (perhaps “FOREIGN TRAFFIC”). I attach a scan of the part cancellation, in which more of the wording is visible although the first character is unclear. Unfortunately the Arabic and date line are missing. I should still be grateful if anyone could tell me what this cancellation really is, the usage and who used it. ?
R1  September 6 2007 member 575

I have one card and two covers with the cancellation MOUVEMENT ETRANGER – CAIRE, dated in the years 1937, 1938 and 1943. But like the original questioner, I know no more about the cancellation and would welcome more information.


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