Q49 March 2008   non member

King Farouk's wedding

I have an ŁE1 stamp 1938 of King Farouk's wedding, franked Alexandria 11 Feb 1938, the day of the wedding. There is a note with the envelope, written by my grandfather as follows: 'Alexandria Feb 14 1938: This postmark was impressed on the 14th Feb [this day] by the local postmaster with the date 11th Feb 1938 [the Royal Wedding Day] as a special favour to me. The stamps were not received by him until the morning of the 14th - Very few, if any, were issued in Cairo on the Wedding Day - Signed A J Lowe.' Because of the postmark, does this make for an interesting stamp? I am not a philatelist, but I would be interested to hear anything about this.

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