Q60 April 10, 2009    member 541

Nazlet el-Samman

There is a possibility that the village of Nazlet el-Samman on the Giza Plateau once had a post office, although no record of it can be found in early Postal Guides. If anyone has any evidence either way, I would appreciate learning of it.
Reply 1.   April 20, 2008    member 230

Nazlit el Samman is listed in the 1932 Egyptian Postal Guide on page 574. It is listed as a service 6 office. Rural stations admitted to ordinary and registered correspondence, and to ordinary parcels (in arrival) not exceeding 3 kilogrammes in weight.

Reply 2.   April 20, 2008    member 240

It appears in the 1924 list as a rural station dependent on Giza. The Rural route Giza-Konaiyesa, which served Nazlet el-Samman, was formed in August 1918 and served Talbia, Kom el Akhdar, Kafret Nassar, Nazlet el Samman, Nazlet el Batran, Harrania, Konaiyessa (Giza), Izbit el Monib, Geziret el Dahab and Saqiet Makki, all of which appear on the published map (though the last two are cut off at the right-hand edge). As a Rural station it will not have been a "post office" as such, but no more than a postbox nailed to a board or set into a wall. There was no local post office staff, only a Rural postman who visited virtually each day to take mail from the box, sell stamps or postal stationery as necessary, and deliver correspondence to the village.

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