Philatelic Index-Comprehensive listing by topic to 1980

In 1980 I set out to build up an Index on Egyptian philately. This meant spending many hours at The National Philatelic library, then based at the Liberal Party headquarters near the Embankment Tube station. John Grimmer, rather nervously, lent me the Editor's run of the QC. I also cross-referenced other indexes so may not have seen some of the articles. For the L'OP and QC I made notes on any reference within an article, irrespective of its title, so that an article on a cover franked with a Second Issue stamp would be referenced under Second Issue, under Postal Rates if mentioned, and so on. This was all done before the days of computers - well, I did have a ZX81 with 1K of memory - so the index is handwritten and since my optical recognition software makes no sense of it so I have left it in pictorial form as published. Of course it takes the QC only up to 1980, but after that the QC index, LOP index, ET index on the website can be used.

The stamp section was published in QC as a supplement in 1983 and here is left as a whole in pdf form.

The postal history part has laid dormant all this time but is now published here. It was left, however, in a very rough form and a week's work of tidying and part collating leaves it still needing much work. But as this may never take place I am putting it up as is in the hope that it will still be of use to members.

Because the task was carried over two years, there is some inconsistence when indexing from the various magazines, so scanning though the entirety may be worthwhile.

Stamp List

as published in the QC.
This also gives information on how the Index works

 Postal History

Page 1Air Routes/Rates
 Khedivial Mail
 Pleine Mer
 Wreck Covers
 Gt Bitter Lakes
 Piroscafi Inglesi
 Maritime Mail
 Piroscafi Francesi
 Piroscafi Italiei
Page 2Suez General
 Historical Docs
 Posta Europea
Page 3Foreign Post Offices: British
Page 4Essays
 Royal Printings
 Salt Tax/Revenues
Page 5Interpostals
 Sudan PH to 1900
 History of the Post
Page 6Postal Rates
Page 7Egypt Used Abroad
 Turkish Empire
Page 8Disinfected Mail
 Replie Coupon
 Postal Labels/Retour
 Postal Stationery
 Maxi Cards
Page 9Classic pmks
 Other pmks
 Postal marking
Page 10Hotels/Proprietary
 Dopo La Partenza
 Machine/Meter Cancels
 Poste Vice Reali Egiziane
 Uffizio Natante
 Dalla Stazione
 Regie Poste Egiziane
 Apres Départ
 Affrancatura Insufficiente
 Per Consegna
 Boxed [O]
 PD Markings
 Returned Markings
 PP Markings
Page 11Napoleonic
 British 1882+
 Prepaid EPP
 1948 War
 Gaza Strip
Page 12Postal Markings
 Other Postal History
 Diplomatic Pouch and Other
 Registration Labels
 Egyptian Gov. Labels
 Air Crash Cover
 Telegraph Service
 Unknown Labels
 Air Mail Etiquettes
